Fasting for Fr. Tom

Triduum has begun. Let us use these next three days, (today included) to bless and benefit others. 

Rather than complaining I want to offer up the hard moments for those in need, especially Fr. Tom.

Please join me tomorrow by not only praying but fasting for Fr. Tom and his persecutors. 

As Catholics we fast from eating in between meals on Good Friday. 
I want to ask you and of myself to fast from the tech world on top of fasting in between meals. 

For one day, to go without checking email, looking at facebook, or scrolling on instagram. I may even try going cell phone free tomorrow.

For today's persecuted Christians and martyrs may our offerings and sacrifices bless. 

I want to be the Simon of Cyrene, the one to help carry my sister or brother's cross.

I want to be Veronica, wiping the tears and faces of others.

I want to see Jesus in all I meet and know.

Please continue to pray and if you are willing, please join me in doing/fasting for others, especially for Fr. Tom and his persecutors.

