Classy for Jesus
Classy for Jesus!
Easter vigil mass ready.
Straight from New York, dress purchased.
Shoes, I am trying to work.
Hair credited to my dear cousin! Something I could never have done myself.
Last night I walked into the church confidently yet cautiously.
I stood in my pew when Father announced for everyone to go to the back of the church for beginning of our Easter celebration.
I chuckled at the thought of trying to walk while holding a candle and processing into the main body of the church.
Then it got even funnier.
"They" turned out all the lights in the church so the candle light could be seen in the dark.
However I didn't have my candle yet, I wasn't at the back of the church yet and I was in those shoes of which I am determined to make them stay on my feet without me rolling an ankle..again.
As if that's not funny enough, when we were all coming back to our seats I felt someone's hand pat me on the shoulder. Not a light pat a good ol' thump. Laugh out loud.
Guardian angels had to have been with me because I am surprised I didn't fall and almost light the church on fire...again.
(another story for another day)
Shoes can make or break the outfit. Or a neck.
Try try again.
Jesus, I am sure was laughing up in heaven as He watched me trying to keep my balance.
A memorable Easter indeed!
Happy Easter!
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