Free of Anger
Ephesians 4:26-27
Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, "I will take revenge; I will pay them back," says the LORD.
Romans 12:19
Satan thrives when we are angry. He lives to make us miserable. He does everything in his power to keep us from glorifying God. He wants to paint our hearts black and see the foundation of our faith and trust in God crack.
The devil's lies and tricks are all apart of his plan. His plan to attack us. Make us feel smaller than we are, less than we are, unimportant, unloved, unwanted, angered.
What we do with our anger decides how we respond to his plot. Act upon that anger and we are being lured into his evil schemes. If we choose to transform that anger into something beautiful and positive we ruin Satan's joy.
Let your anger be without sin. Do not give the Devil a flying chance.
Do not take revenge. Give your bitterness to the Lord. He will take care of you and those who have done you harm.
Satan, prince of lies, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME in my life! You have no power over me because I am a follower of Christ. You may find ways to make me angry when you mess with my family but I will not give you the opportunity to gain join and glory from my anger.
When we are being attacked that is a sign that we must be doing something right. I say that not to boast but to tell the scum of the earth and the scum of hell to go back where he came from.
I am not fighting this fight. Jesus is. And guess what, he already won.
All glory and praise to the real Prince! The Prince of peace! Father of Love! The Way and the Truth!
My everlasting joy!
If you haven't seen this movie I strongly encourage you to watch it. It's powerful as well as a source of healing. Rent it, buy it. watch it. See your life change when you make prayer and JESUS the center of your life.
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