All Wrapped Up
All Wrapped Up.
What is it that I am all wrapped up in?
Is it the thoughts and opinions of others? Is it what was left under my Christmas tree? Is it myself? Is it the future? Am I wrapped up in what has to be done? Am I wrapped up just to be tore open?
What is holding me together? Shiny ribbon, for all to admire? Tape, that gets the job done? Maybe paper? Be careful not to get cut.
Who am I wrapping myself up in? Who am I not paying any attention to?
Am I wrapping my mind around positive thoughts or negative ones? Thoughts that build up or tear down?
What is it that I am all wrapped up in? And why?
If it doesn't make me a better person for the greater glory of God then I don't want any part in it.
The packaging may look pretty and what's inside luring, however I only want to be wrapped in your Love, O Lord.
All wrapped up in You.
Mother Mary, as you wrapped your baby Jesus in your mantel of love,
I ask you to wrap my heart the same.
This I pray,
This I pray,
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