A cry for help

A fire is burning within me. A flame that wants to squelch my hope.

God help us!

Our country... Our president....we are under attack.

We live in a country run by a president who "God blesses" Planned Parenthood.
An organization that not only offers abortions (murder of an innocent baby, human being) but manipulates the "procedure" in such a way to use human body parts to sell. Why do they sell these organs and limbs and other parts of the body? For research to "help" helpless children.


I posted yesterday about being a voice. Do you not see or understand the evil lingering in our nation? Do you think if you close your eyes and plug your ears all this madness and again evil will just disappear? It won't.

A nation that believes, makes legal, gives the "thumbs up" to killing a human being, is a country without hope.

We cry out to our Father in heaven. He hears us.

But there is a baby every second crying out for help and no one is helping them. In fact they are silencing that cry and up to their eye balls in blood and money.

Here is a link that will make you sick to your stomach as you see the number of abortions go up by the second.


So yes, like Senator James Lankford,  I am choosing to fight to cry out for the unborn.

Will you do the same?

Please share this video, Stop pretending it's not real. Choose life! It's not a choice it's a baby. .  


An awful memory just came back to me. When I was living in the Tri-cities, my siblings and mom would pray outside of Planned Parenthood with 40 Days for Life.( https://40daysforlife.com)
We wouldn't protest rather just pray for the souls of the mothers and their children. One day when praying the rosary for all who enter the doors (or stand outside) of Planned Parenthood, my heart broke into a million pieces.
Quietly praying and staring somberly at the dark building our attention was caught by high school aged boys who began yelling towards us. A girl friend of one of the boys was inside. The boys were cowards and stayed outside. One boy, (I'm assuming the boy friend) dropped on the pavement of the parking lot. He began flailing around on the ground while screaming, "OOH! LOOK! I'm having an abortion! The baby is on fire!"
Then they all laughed.
Fighting back tears and yes, I admit anger, we prayed even harder.The girl friend came out a while later and was limping to their car. Yes, this was the result of the abortion.

That was enough.

How could anyone be pro choice? Or vote and support for someone who is.

Crying out for these babies, will you?
