Painful Love

I had spiritual direction last week and I had shared how heart breaking it is to watch people go through pain.

Kids battling cancer, families suffering from divorce, and me feeling helpless as I watch these situations happen. 

The doctors were right, my heart is huge! It's being stretched by every prayer intention. Stretched by every soul carrying their cross. 

There is always someone to pray for. 

I admitted in my direction that I want to be the savior. I want to stop the pain and heart breaks. 

Then these words were spoken to me,

"Jesus did not come to take away pain, but to love." 

I can't take away the pain, I can only love. I need to be present even in the hard times.

Sometimes it is scary to ask for healing because we, or I, am afraid the answer will be 'no'. There is a fear of walking with people in their pain.

However, Jesus calls us to follow him and imitate him. He walked with the broken. He carried our cross. He cried at Lazarus's tomb. But in every step of the way he loved.

"It is loving the Cross that one finds one heart, for Divine Love cannot live without suffering."
- St. Bernadette   

Prayer intentions for: Ten year old, Joseph and five year old, Addie, both suffering from cancer. Prayers for our family friends. Thanksgiving that I am not the savior.


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