The time is now

"We must shake off this indifference. Only our faith in Jesus can save. We need warriors. Set yourself apart. Be saints. You weren’t made to fit in. 
You were made to stand out." -Jim Caviezel #SLS18 ‬

It can be so hard going against the crowd because we all want to fit in.

But we weren't made to fit in.

We were made for more than acceptance.

We were made for this time, right here, right now! 

We are called to do the next right thing!

We are called to become saints!

We are called to stand apart!

“This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” -Mark 1:15 

May we practice living the words of Mark's gospel this Lenten season.

May we answer the call within each of our hearts to stand out, stand up, and stand for our faith in Jesus who saves!

You and I are His warriors. We are going to make a difference!

The time is now.
