Miracles from Heaven

Last night our family watched Miracles from Heaven for the first time. I pretty much don't like that movie. It was too realistic. Not because it was a true story but because I could relate to the little girl.

I felt like throwing up watching her go through test after test, and tube after tube.

The little girl suffered from a rare disease. One of the signs seen on her body was her stomach looking and feeling bloated. Seeing this made me relive my signs of heart failure, and having that fluid built up within my abdomen.

Needless to say I was an emotional wreck.

This little girl from the movie, Anna is her name, has a strong and beautiful faith. A beautiful relationship with the Lord. She continued to trust in God when times were hard, times were scary, times were painful, times were unbearable and when times she felt like giving up.

I connected with her emotions, her fears, her tears, and her exhaustion. Thinking nothing will get better, not caring to go on, because in heaven there is no more pain, no more suffering. The mom in the movie sobbed as she listened to her daughter's thoughts at the moment. The mom tried telling the little girl she wouldn't be with her family if she gave up her life. The little girl could only apologize but the pain was still there, the desire for better was still there.

Again, I was bawling. I have been there. I have desired what we all desire. Heaven. Yet, like the quote from the movie, "we'll get there, when we get there" comes to mind. It is not for us to decide when it is our time. It is entirely up to the Lord. Yet, it doesn't make it any easier.

Before watching this movie we had just gone to Chinese. Me being gluten free, I was limited to stir fry, and did not get to eat the delicious fried and breaded stuff. I was feeling sorry for myself.

Then I watched what that little girl went through. I was ashamed of myself. Living such an easy and beautiful life but tend to get caught up in the littles things when their is real hurt in the world. Real loss, real heart ache, real pain.

I am a very sensitive soul. As if you didn't already know that. My heart breaks for every child who is in pain, in need, and is suffering.

My prayer last night was to beg God to use me. Use me to help heal others. Let his healing be brought through me. Through my hands, through my words, through my heart. Let all the glory be given to God and by that glory bring healing. Yes, use me, Lord!

While I'm waiting to get there, while I'm fighting small battles, let me continuously be reminded of the miracles around me. Let me share those miracles with those around me. Let us give thanks for those miracles all around you and me.




  1. Hey Gabbie, just read through your last few blogs... You have a big heart. Keep being who you are. Love to see you and the family again.

  2. Thank you, Fr. Bruce. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon!

  3. Miracles? Definitely. Wanna wiseabove?

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  5. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing


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