Go the Distance

Today's homily, by Fr. Joe Schmidt, was absolutely beautiful.

The words "go the distance" stood out to me as I thought of the song from Hercules, the movie.

Moses in the first reading, had to raise his arms and keep them raised so his people would not lose the battle. Aaron and Hur helped support his hands because Moses grew tired.

How often do we grow tired?

How often do we refuse help? When we are, in fact, in need of help to go the distance.

We can't do this life alone.

This reading is a reminder of even God's chosen accepting help in order to go the distance.

In order to grow closer to God.

Fr. Joe gave thanks on his drive to church this morning for the beautiful colors of the sunrise.

Prayer helps to go the distance. Prayer is time spent with God seeking and blessing the Lord. 

Fr. Joe shared with us an encounter he witnessed. 

The Pieta, a statue of Mary holding the body of Jesus, was approached by a fox one morning.

The fox prostrated himself before the statue. Then the fox put his front paws on Mary's shoulders and stood like that for a couple of minutes.

The awareness the fox had of Mary holding her Son's body, amazed me.

Mary had gone the distance. Jesus had gone the distance.

Are we aware of His love?

Will we go the distance?


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