New York Genocide

New York is a disgrace.

Celebrating abortion is sickening. 

Allowing murder up until 9 months to an unborn baby is horrific to say the least. 

Celebrating by lighting the freedom tower up with pink lights is a sign of the evil one laughing at our nation's disrespect for human life. 

I can't even begin to comprehend how this is viewed as something to celebrate, let alone be 'okayed'. 

Abortion is not a choice, it's murder. It's blood on our hands and on USA soil. 

Abortion is a selfish and careless massacre and New York welcomes the massacre.

What is stopping the other 49 states from following New York's repulsive example?! 

You and me. 

But what are we going to do about it?

What can we do about it?

Pray and fast. 

Last night and today I've spent thinking of ways I can sacrifice for the unborn. 

I thought of waking up earlier. 

Drinking water.

Eating all of my food and not wasting. 

These are small things but they are ways I can turn my stirring, sorrowed heart into an offering for the victims of abortion. 

Please join me in praying and fasting in ways you can for the unborn. 
Please join me and Vote Pro-life.  
