Transformed Heart
"Sometimes, in the midst of the busy satisfaction of everyday life, we might be tempted to wonder whether or not we really want Christ to come and transform the world as we know it.
Then we remember the harsh realities of sickness, hunger, suffering, and death.
Who does not long then for the everlasting riches of God's house, given to us through the mercy of Christ our Shepherd and Savior!"
Wednesday, December 5th, Morning Magnificat reflection.
"Whether or not we really want Christ to come and transform the world as we know it."
Whether or not...
Of course I do not want sickness, hunger, suffering and death. No one does.
But do I want to be transformed?
Or do I just want certain parts of my life transformed?
It's easy to wish and pray for transformation for other people, but it's difficult when it's yourself that needs change.
We pray out loud whether we know it or not, Lord, transform him and her because of this or that.
But we forget to ask for transformation for ourselves.
I know change is hard and trusting is hard.
Routine is normal and easy.
Even when one knows the transformation will be 100 times better, it's still hard.
I heard last night in a Dynamic Catholic Best Advent video, "Let God and let go." Realize I didn't say, "Let go and Let God." God first.
My prayer this Advent, is to seek transformation. To grow an even bigger heart to love those around me. To love the Baby Jesus in a way I didn't know I could love Him. This is my prayer.
"Sometimes God doesn't change your situation because HE is trying to change your hearts."
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