We're entering into the beginnings of Fall. Today is our Mother Mary's birthday. It's a beautiful time of the year! My favorite time of the year! Things are slowing down.
August came and went in the blink of an eye.

I celebrated my 21st birthday, observed the fair, journeyed and enjoyed our trip back to New York for Sr. Jordan's first vows, and embraced having Sr. Jordan home and the time we shared together laughing and smiling. It was a full month, but a good month. Moments my heart will always treasure.

Speaking of heart, Sr. Jordan brought with her back from Poland this image of Jesus. It speaks to my heart because in this picture Jesus is suffering heart failure.

My Jesus. Suffering and carrying the cross I carry. The cross not only within my heart but that is my heart. My Jesus. My suffering.  I am connected to Him in this image. I am connected to Him in my suffering. In my failure. In my heart.

ECCE Homo - Behold the man 
Brat Albert 

This image is so powerful. I can almost feel his heart beating. Beating for you and for me.

Sr. Jordan Rose said that several of her sisters handed her this image while in Poland, to bring home for me. Jesus, must have really wanted me to know this image. To hold this image in my heart.
To hold Him, in my heart.

Thank you LORD for this most precious gift. The gift of your heart. The answered and continued prayer of making my heart like Your's.

Every thread, every muscle, every tissue, every scar, the heaviness, the burden,  all of me. I surrender unto Thee.

And so too, on this day, September 8th, as we celebrate our Mother's birthday, I pray:

"Mother, dear, lend me your heart. I look for it each day to pour my troubles into."
 Saint Gemma Galgani. 
